I'm trying to create a file in a directory outside the document root of the web server. The folder has permissions 777 but php says Permission Denied: Warning: fopen(/home/site2/public_html/images/x.jpg) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/site1/public_html/test_sites.php on line 2 Permission problem
$f = fopen('/home/site2/public_html/images/x.jpg', 'wb');
if(!$f) die("Permission problem");
echo "OK";
It sounds like safe mode is on and doc_root has been set. You'll need to set
to empty or turn off safe mode.The 777 permissions is half the battle. You will also need to change the group to be www-data (if on debian) using the:
chgrp g+w www-data /home/growtent/public_html/images
That "should" work, depending on what system you are running and given that my memory is correct.