I'm trying to make a UIView image for my background in swift using pattern image. The code I have works well except for the fact that I want the image to take the whole screen. My code looks like this: self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage: UIImage(named: "backgroundImage")!)
Does anyone know how to make the background an image that will take up the whole screen, and would scale when appearing on different iPhone screen sizes?
I used constraints to make the image "autoLayout". I made a view to show an activity indicator (with full background image), while the view on segue is loading. The code is as follows.
This is the code for the "adjustConstFullSize" function.
In the function shown above, I "tied" the containerView constraints to the main view constraints, making the view "full size". I did the same for the UIImageView and also set the contentMode to AspectFill - this is crucial, because we want the image to fill the content without stretching.
To remove the view, after the lazy loading, just use the code below.
For this, I think you'll need to create a UIImageView that is pinned to the parent views top / bottom / left / right. This will make the UIImageView always the match the size of the display. Just make sure you set the content mode on the imageview to be AspectFit
Ahmad Fayyas Solution in Swift 3.0:
Note That:
I posted this answer from my old account (which is deprecated for me and I can't access it anymore), this is my improved answer.
You can do it programmatically instead of creating an IBOutlet in each view. just create a UIView extension (File -> New -> File -> Swift File -> name it whatever you want) and add:
Now, you can use this method with your views, for example: