I'm having trouble with special characters that exist in an xml node attribute. To combat this, I'm trying to render the attributes as child nodes and, where necessary, using cdata sections to get around the special characters. The problem is, I can't seem to get the cdata section appended to the node correctly.
I'm iterating over the source xml node's attributes and creating new nodes. If the attribute.name = "description" I want to put the attribute.text() in a cdata section and append the new node. That's where I jump the track.
// newXMLData is the new xml document that I've created in memory
for (var ctr =0;ctr< this.attributes.length;ctr++){ // iterate over the attributes
if( this.attributes[ctr].name =="Description"){ // if the attribute name is "Description" add a CDATA section
var thisNodeName = this.attributes[ctr].name;
newXMLDataNode.append("<"+thisNodeName +"></"+ thisNodeName +">" );
var cdata = newXMLData.createCDATASection('test'); // here's where it breaks.
} else {
// It's not "Description" so just append the new node.
newXMLDataNode.append("<"+ this.attributes[ctr].name +">" + $(this.attributes[ctr]).text() + "</"+ this.attributes[ctr].name +">" );
Any ideas? Is there another way to add a cdata section?
Here's a sample snippet of the source...
pSiteTile="Test Site Name "
Description="<div>blah blah blah since June 2007.&nbsp; T<br>&nbsp;<br>blah blah blah blah&nbsp; </div>"
CreatedDate="2010-09-20 14:46:18"
Comments="Comments example. " >
here's what I'm trying to create...
<DESCRIPTION><![CDATA[<div>blah blah blah since June 2007.&nbsp; T<br>&nbsp;<br>blah blah blah blah&nbsp; </div ]]></DESCRIPTION>
<CREATEDDATE>2010-09-20 14:46:18</CREATEDDATE>
<COMMENTS><![CDATA[ Comments example. ]]></COMMENTS>
Not sure of browser support for document.implementation.createDocument or createCDataSection, but this works in Mozilla at least:
I had the same issue. i was trying to append CDATA to xml nodes, so i thought its as easy as adding like so:
This does not work because the whole thing will get interpreted as text therefore <(less than) and > (great than) will be replaced automatically.
what you need to do is use createCDATASection by doing the following:
results will be:
Brettz9 (in previous answer) explains how to do this but quite complex, therefore i just wanted to add my solution which is much simpler.