I want to know how to query the hive metastore database and grab a few key properties including:
- create date
- last update date
- last access date
I just learned a hive command show table extend like <tablename>
0 tableName:<tablename>
1 owner:<userid>
2 location:hdfs://NameService-705/user/hive/warehouse/<username>.db/<tablename>
3 inputformat:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
4 outputformat:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat
5 columns:struct columns { i64 ingestts, i64 ingestdate .... map<string,string> params}
6 partitioned:false
7 partitionColumns:
8 totalNumberFiles:1
9 totalFileSize:0
10 maxFileSize:0
11 minFileSize:0
12 lastAccessTime:1453767099408 -> Mon Jan 25 2016 17:11:39 GMT-0700 (MST)
13 lastUpdateTime:1432218969243 -> Thu May 21 2015 08:36:09 GMT-0600 (MDT)
I know that field0, 1, 12 and 13 are exactly the information and I am wondering how could I query the hive meta store to get those information directly instead of run show table extend
a thousand time. Something like:
select tableName, owner, lastAccessTime, lastUpdateTime from <metatable>
From Java code you can query the Hive Metastore directly - cf. JavaDoc
Or, if you like quick-and-dirty tricks, you can connect to the Metastore database (typically a MySQL instance) and run some SQL queries directly against it. Not much public documentation about the data model, unfortunately.