To start with here is the bigger picture of the task I'm trying to do. I need to create a xml file from the results of the particular SQL request and store it in a file on the client computer. For that I have a SQL script that does the DBMS_XMLGen with xslt, which I'm going to run from a command line with sqlplus and pipe the output into a file.
The problem I'm having now is that content of the XML code (stored in CLOB) has to be splitted into smaller chunks for DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, and every chunk ends up with a new line character, breaking the structure of the XML code. I wonder if there's a way to print the content of a BLOB as is on the screen?
Here's the example of the SQL script:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON FORMAT WRAPPED; set feedback off DECLARE v_ctx DBMS_XMLGen.ctxHandle; v_xml CLOB; v_xslt CLOB; l_offset number := 1; BEGIN v_ctx := DBMS_XMLGen.newContext('SELECT * FROM TABLE'); -- DBMS_XMLGen.setXSLT(v_ctx, v_xslt); --not relevant here v_xml := BMS_XMLGen(v_ctx); DBMS_XMLGen.closeContext(v_ctx); loop exit when l_offset > dbms_lob.getlength(v_xml); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (dbms_lob.substr( v_xml, 255, l_offset)); l_offset := l_offset + 255; end loop; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(Substr(SQLERRM,1,255)); raise; END; /
The output I'm getting is correct apart from the new line character after every 255 symbols. And I can't just remove the end of lines later, I need the XML to be readable
Any ideas?
Cheers, Leo
You can add a delimiter and print out 254 characters, then in notepad++ (in extended mode
) replace this delimiter :One possible approach is to do the following:
On client run the SQL*PLus script like this:
That will dump your XML into file_name.xml After that, you will need to truncate you table by issuing:
otherwise the table won't shrink even if you delete the line with CLOB.
Check APC's CLOB workaround for dbms_output on
Why don't you use
? Give it a try. The trick is to add a newline character after printing your content. You can do it by callingDBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE