On a shared server I am forced to manage document roots of domains from cpanel which is buggy and consumes lots of time. So I redirected all domains to one directory lets say root
. An example:
sd1.domain.com ---> public_html/web/
sd2.domain.com ---> public_html/web/
sd1.domain2.com ---> public_html/web/
sd2.domain2.com ---> public_html/web/
When user browses these websites, I forward this websites using htaccess rules such as
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^sd1.(domain1|domain2).com [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/sd1/.*
RewriteRule ^(.*) sd1/$1 [L]
Now this does forward the request to different folder but afterwards all the url have sd1
attached on the last part
Here is an illustration
sd1.domain.com ---> sd1.domain.com #Works correctly
sd1.domain.com/page1.html ---> sd1.domain.com/sd1/page1.html # See the word sd1 on the middle
How to remove the folder portion from the url??
if I understand your question correctly, you should be able to do it by using the flag PT (Passthru), which causes the rewrite target to be passed back to the URL mapping engine:
Hope it helps.