This code works fine in my local xampp apache server. I run the same code in local area network with different ip addressed system. The file cannot open and i cant write it to the expected directory. Kindly do the needful? Thanks in advance.
Am passing the xml file through below code.
#!\usr\bin\perl -wT
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
my $query = new CGI;
print $query->header( "text/html" );
print <<END_HERE;
<title>My First CGI Script</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFCC">
<h1>Welcome to Perl CGI</h1>
<form action="/cgi-bin/inputxml.cgi" method="post"
<p>Files to Upload: <input type="file" name="xml" /></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit Form" /></p>
sending the xml file to the below code.....
#!\usr\bin\perl -wT
use strict;
use CGI;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use File::Basename;
my $safe_filename_characters = "a-zA-Z0-9_.-";
my $query = new CGI;
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $file = $cgi->param('xml');
my $lines;
open(DATA,"<$file") or die "Can't open data";
print $query->header ( );
$lines = <DATA>;
$lines =~s{darling}{CGI}ig;
print $lines;
print abs_path($file);
open(OUT, '>dirname($file)."\\out_".basename($file)');
print OUT $lines;
print $query->header ( );
print <<END_HERE;
Getting the filename from the input parameter ("xml" in this case) is always a really bad idea. Browsers differ in their behaviour. Some give you the full filename, some only give you the basename. When they give you the full path, it will be the path on the client computer - a path that is pretty much guaranteed not to exist on your server. [Update: And re-reading your question, I realise that's exactly why it works when you're testing it locally.]
There's a detailed explanation of how to do this in the documentation for the CGI module. You should really read all of that section before writing your code. But in summary.
There are a couple of other things that might be useful for you.
will give you the MIME type of the uploaded file. You can use that to work out how you want to process the file.$cgi->tmpFileName($filename)
will give you the path to the temp file where your data has been uploaded. This will be deleted when the CGI program exits. But if you just want to save the file without processing it in any way, you can just move this file to a new location on your server.Some other notes about your existing solution:
does nothing.CGI->new
instead ofnew CGI
). You only need one.$lines = <DATA>
will only get the first line from the, '>dirname($file)."\\out_".basename($file)')
isn't doing anything like what you think it's doing.