I have setup in Wordpress a custom post type ( Artists )...
I have a plugin that serializez the meta information from the Artists .. and i need to filter this information by channel ..: "channel";s:6:"trance" which is also in the serialized meta "show_data"
The plugin unserializez the data like this :
foreach ( $djs as $dj ) {
$temp = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $dj->ID, 'show_data', true ) );
if ( $temp )
$show_data[ ] = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $dj->ID, 'show_data', true ) );
} //$djs as $dj
Then goes on to loop through the arrays .... to form a calendar....
i need to filter out by channel type ( trance or techno ) ... i have tried with array_filter but .. had no luck :( .. im pretty green in php
i would have needed something like this :
[78] => Array (
[57fba1b113187b95554339a0737e0309] => Array (
[dj_name] => DjValue
[show_name] => ShowValue
[channel] => trance
[show_image] =>
[79] => Array (
[55ebc09f567af40917f650f430339772] => Array (
[dj_name] => Emilian
[show_name] => Emilians Trance
[channel] => techno
[show_image] =>
then filter out only the trance using the shortcode arguments... result should be...
[78] => Array (
[57fba1b113187b95554339a0737e0309] => Array (
[dj_name] => DjValue
[show_name] => ShowValue
[channel] => trance
[show_image] =>
Thanks in advanceee
the full code is bellow :
<? date_default_timezone_set( 'America/New_York' ); $genre = wpautop( wp_kses_post( $pull_calendar_of_shows_atts[ 'genre' ] ) ); $calendarname = wpautop( wp_kses_post( $pull_calendar_of_shows_atts[ 'calendarname' ] ) );
$args = array(
'numberposts' => -1,
'post_type' => 'artist',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'suppress_filters' => false ); $djs = get_posts( $args ); foreach ( $djs as $dj ) {
$temp = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $dj->ID, 'show_data', true ) );
if ( $temp )
$show_data[ ] = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $dj->ID, 'show_data', true ) );
} //$djs as $dj
$schedule = array("mon" => array( 'day' => 'Monday' ),
"tue" => array( 'day' => 'Tuesday' ),
"wed" => array( 'day' => 'Wednesday'),
"thu" => array( 'day' => 'Thursday' ),
"fri" => array( 'day' => 'Friday' ),
"sat" => array( 'day' => 'Saturday' ),
"sun" => array( 'day' => 'Sunday' ) );
foreach ( $show_data as $row ) {
foreach ( $row as $id => $data ) {
foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) {
if ( preg_match( '/(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)(\d)/', $k, $m ) ) {
$schedule[ $m[ 1 ] ][ $m[ 2 ] ][ $data[ 'time' ] ] = array(
'artist' => $data[ 'dj_name' ],
'show' => $data[ 'show_name' ],
'id' => $id,
'channel' => $data[ 'channel'],
'image' => $data[ 'show_image' ]
} //preg_match( '/(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)(\d)/', $k, $m )
} //$data as $k => $v
} //$row as $id => $data } //$show_data as $row
echo '<pre>'. print_r ($perm, true) . '</pre>';
$begin = strtotime( 'today' ); $end = strtotime( '- 1 day', strtotime( '+ 1 month' ) ); $iter = $begin; $olddate = ''; $calendar = array( ); while ( $iter < $end ) {
$time = $iter;
$date = date( 'D n/j', $time );
$week = floor( date( 'd', $time ) / 7 ) + 1 * ( floor( date( 'd', $time ) / 7 ) < date( 'd', $time ) / 7 );
$day = strtolower( date( 'D', $time ) );
foreach ( $schedule as $d => $dd ) {
if ( isset( $dd[ $week ] ) && $d == $day ) {
foreach ( $dd[ $week ] as $k => $v ) {
$calendar[ $date ][ $k ] = array(
'artist' => $v[ 'artist' ],
'show' => $v[ 'show' ],
'channel' => $v[ 'channel'],
'image' => $v[ 'image' ]
} //$dd[ $week ] as $k => $v
} //isset( $dd[ $week ] ) && $d == $day
} //$schedule as $d => $dd
$iter = strtotime( '+ 1 day', $iter ); } //$iter < $end $ssd = '<div id="Calendar ' . $calendarname . '"><table class="calendar"> '; foreach ( $calendar as $date => $data ) {
ksort( $data );
print_r ( $data );
$ssd .= '<tr class="newday"> ';
$ssd .= '<td rowspan="' . count( $data ) . '">';
$ssd .= preg_replace( '/(\w+) (.*)/', '<span class="dayofweek">$1</span><br /><span class="date">$2</span>', $date );
$ssd .= '</td> ';
$tr = "";
foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) {
$perma = get_page_by_title( 'Chicane' );
echo $perma->ID;
$t = strtotime( "March 16, 2013 $k:00" );
$d = date( 'g:00a', $t );
if ( $v[ 'image' ] ) {
$imgshow = ' <img class="show_calimg" src=" ' . resizeimagenoecho( $v[ "image" ], 24, auto ) . ' "/>';
} //$v[ 'image' ]
$ssd .= "$tr
<td class='time'>" . $d . "</td>
<td>" . $v[ 'artist' ] . "</td>
<td>" . $v[ 'show' ] . "</td>
<td>" . $imgshow . "</td></tr>";
$tr = "<tr>";
} //$data as $k => $v } //$data as $k => $v //$calendar as $date => $data $ssd .= '</table></div>';
You can do it by
using any key has value.For e.g
Channel => trance
then it will return matched arrays.See : Live Demo
Array filter was a good try, did you do it like this :