I have been trying to construct a while loop for looping through a string when it contains a 'pattern' i'm looking for. The string is a local variable, declared just above the while loop and I am unable to substring it within my while loop, so that each consecutive loop will look at the next part of the string.
I would appreciate any help on how I could solve this problem
Here's the code; just so u have the idea the onlineList usually comes as array list output e.g. [Adrian, Bob, Buddy]
String onlineList = networkInput.nextLine();
//Declare a local variable for modified online list, that will replace all the strings that contain ", " "[" and "]"
String modifiedOnlineList = onlineList.replaceAll("\\, ", "\n").replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "");
//Loop the modifiedOnlineList string until it contains "\n"
while (modifiedOnlineList.contains("\n")) {
//A local temporary variable for the first occurence of "\n" in the modifiedOnlineList
int tempFirstOccurence = modifiedOnlineList.indexOf("\n");
//Obtain the name of the currently looped user
String tempOnlineUserName = modifiedOnlineList.substring(0, tempFirstOccurence);
//Substring the remaining part of the string.
modifiedOnlineList.substring(tempFirstOccurence + 2);
String is immutable in java
You have to receive the new
Object returned bysubstring
method.when you receive that
Strings are immutable. That means that
does not modify the string itself, but returns a new string object. So you should use:modifiedOnlineList.substring() just returns a substring of the original modifiedOnlineList, it doesn't modify modifiedOnlineList.