I am unable to delete a row from my JQGrid because I can't figure out how to send the data I need to the file that holds the MySQL. I am using ColdFusion.
In my JQGrid file, my editurl parameter is set as such:
editurl: url+"process_delete.cfc?method=process_delete®ion="+region,
In my process_delete.cfc file, that holds my MySQL queries, I have this:
DELETE FROM awesome_table
WHERE region = '#region#' AND Field1 = '??????' AND Field2 = '???????'
I know that the MySQL is being reached - no problems there. Also, the region is populated just fine from the URL. No problems there. The problem is that I can't figure out how to access the data from the row I'm trying to delete in order to populate Field1 and Field2, effectively completing the query. Can anyone help? Thanks.
For Delete I have the following code:
jQuery.jgrid.del = {
caption: "Delete Item",
msg: "Delete record?",
bSubmit: "Delete",
bCancel: "Cancel",
beforeSubmit: function(postdata, formid) {
var rowid = $("#mygrid").getGridParam('selrow');
var rowvalues = $("#mygrid").getRowData(rowid);
return [true, ""]
When I display the rowid
in an alert message box, I get "null" back, so maybe that's where my problem stems from.
Cannot really help much without seeing your code that comes back from your CFC to populate the grid. However, one approach is to access the id of the row and put it in some HTML element like an anchor tag, for example:
If you are creating a loop to prepare your data
Then you pass your JSON object to the CFM file
Then in the page that displays the grid add an event that handles the click of the anchor tag
Hope that helps!
You can either use
with the propertiesfield1
defined as functions or to useonclickSubmit
in which you can dynamically modify theURL
used in the DELETE operation or to useserializeDelData
callback. The best way could depend on other options which you use (for example depends onmtype
used for Delete operation). In the answer I included the references to other answers which shows all the ways in details.For example you can use