I am trying to scrape a website but I don't get some of the elements, because these elements are dynamically created.
I use the cheerio in node.js and My code is below.
var request = require('request');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var url = "http://www.bdtong.co.kr/index.php?c_category=C02";
request(url, function (err, res, html) {
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
$('.listMain > li').each(function () {
This code returns empty response, because when the page is loaded, the <ul id="store_list" class="listMain">
is empty.
The content has not been appended yet.
How can I get these elements using node.js? How can I scrape pages with dynamic content?
Check out GoogleChrome/puppeteer
It makes scraping pretty trivial. The following example will scrape the headline over at npmjs.com (assuming
will allow for the inspection of the dynamic element as this will run scripts on the page.Here you go;
Use the new npm module x-ray, with a pluggable web driver x-ray-phantom.
Examples in the pages above, but here's how to do dynamic scraping: