There is a store procedure that uses FREETEXTTABLE twice on two tables and then merges the results and returns the top 50.
The problem is if I do a search on "Women of Brewster", the results returns "Confession of an ex doofus motha" with a rank of 143 from table A and second "Women of Brewster Place" with a rank of 102 from table B.
Is this because of the count? (Table A return results total is 2399. Table B return results total is 3445.)
The short answer:
The much longer, and far more complicated answer can be found on Microsoft's site, of course. For advanced mathematics, click here.
1) The noise file was limited to a few characters, meaning that the word "of" is now consider important.
2) The two tables results (count) do matter, since the smaller table will most likely be given a better weight value. This will skew the rank to be higher in a smaller table.
Josef's link to MSDN was great at figuring out how it computes the rank value.