If I have a sub folder in my website called Admin and this folder has more sub folders. How can I configure a web.config file, that sits in Admin folder, to effect all the subfolders in it recursively?
Currently i have this, but it only caters for the admin folder, and doesn't effect the sub folders
<location path="Admin">
<authorization >
<deny users="?"/>
<allow roles="Admins"/>
You need to deny all other users. By default, all users (including guests) are permitted to access all folders. If you want to deny access to anyone except certain users or roles, you need to deny this access after all rules. This implies to guests also.
The rules are being checked one by one, so an admin fits to the first rule and getting access. All other users and guests will fall to the second rule and won't get access.
You can define
property to trueLink : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b6x6shw7(v=vs.71).aspx