Does any one know how to properly format the update query in vtiger to update a record under the Leads module?
I have been following this:
and have been able to login, query, and do the challenge response, but I have been unable to get the update function to work and it could be because I am not sure how they want the query to look. This is the error I get when I send the query:
stdClass Object ( [success] => [error] => stdClass Object ( [code] => ACCESS_DENIED [message] => Permission to perform the operation is denied for id ) )
Current Test Code:
function updatesomeone(){
global $createduserleadnum;
global $url;
global $sessionID;
global $createduserid;
$customdata = array(
'firstname'=> 'TestAPILead2',//Update First name
'lastname'=> 'TestAPILeadLast2', //Updated Last name
'leadstatus'=> 'New',
'leadsource'=> 'Some Lead Source', //Not Real Lead source
'assigned_user_id'=> 'User-Assigned', //not real user
'cf_755'=> 'A Custom Field', // A Custom Field
'lead_no' => $createduserleadnum, Acquired from other function/stored value
$customdata = json_encode($customdata);
$field = array(
'operation' => 'update',
'sessionName'=> $sessionID,
'element' => $customdata
foreach($field as $key=>$value) { global $fields_string;
$fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, count($field));
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$pringjson = json_decode($result);
Figured it out. It was related to the $fieldstring variable. For some reason it was not staying local to the function so it was including some other variables. just changed the fieldstring variable with a digit at the end. In the final code I will write a better script for url-ify'ing the variables. I also had to use the full id given. Either way it was resolved now and the code works as it should.
I have a suggestion for your code. You have not remove & at the end of which will get generated after "foreach" loop. So just add rtrim after foreach and define your $fields_string variable as blank.
The documentation of the api is not so clear regarding the update of an object, so I though this piece of code might be of interest for some of you guys.
Basically, to be able to update an object, you need at least
Here is my code if needed: