In C# i have a picturebox. i would like to draw 4 colors. The default will be white, red, green, blue. How do i draw these 4 colors stritched in this picbox? or should i have 4 picbox? in that case how do i set the rgb color?
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If you want to use non-predefined colors, then you need to get a Color object from the static method Color.FromArgb().
Best Regards
Oliver Hanappi
Add a PictureBox to the form, create an event handler for the paint event, and make it look like this:
This will divide the surface into 4 rectangles and paint each of them in the colors White, Red, Green and Blue.
You need to specify what it is you would specifically like to draw. You can't draw a red - that makes no sense. You can, however, draw a red rectangle at location (0,0) which is 100 pixels tall and 100 wide. I will answer what I can, however.
If you want to set the outline of a shape to a specific color, you would create a Pen object. If you want to fill a shape with a color, however, then you would use a Brush object. Here's an example of how you would draw a rectangle filled with red, and a rectangle outlined in green: