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Can anyone explain why is this happening?
Case 1:
>>> a = [[0]] *3
>>> print a
[[0], [0], [0]]
>>> a[1].append(0)
>>> print a
[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]
Case 2:
>>> a = [[0],[0],[0]]
>>> print a
[[0], [0], [0]]
>>> a[1].append(0)
>>> print a
[[0], [0, 0], [0]]
Why is this going on? I am expecting that the behavior of the array in case 1 to be as in case 2 but it is not for some reason.
In the first case, you are creating a list
and duplicate it 3 times. This is the same object repeated three times. You should use the star form only with immutable typeTo avoid this issue when you have a mutable type, use list comprehension:
In the first case, the three elements in
actually reference to the same list objects. You can check their id: