I have a WebApi app that is using Windows Azure Active Directory Bearer Authentication to authenticate users. After the user is authenticated, I want to query Azure's Graph Api to get more information about the user.
I have a solution that works, but seems very hacky. I read the Authorization header and strip out the bearer part, and then I use AquireToken to get the new token:
var authHeader = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
var tokenMatch = Regex.Match(authHeader, @"(?<=^\s*bearer\s+).+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var result = authInfo.AuthContext.AcquireToken(resourceId, authInfo.Credential,
new UserAssertion(tokenMatch.Value));
return result.AccessToken;
There has to be a better way, but I've tried AcquireToken many different overloads and this was the only way I could get it to work. I tried AcquireTokenSilent, which works in my client app because there is a token in the TokenCache, but when I try in the WebApi, there doesn't seem anywhere to implement a TokenCache.
That is indeed somewhat hacky :-) see https://github.com/AzureADSamples/WebAPI-OnBehalfOf-DotNet for a way in which you can retrieve the incoming token through the ClaimsPrincipal. It boils down to passing
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters{ SaveSigninToken = true }
in the options and retrieving in from your controller or filter code via