Original topic: Echo the subtitle of a PARENT page within WordPress?
I've discovered a separate need for the code Mark produced in relation to the original topic above. Luckily, I was able to work with another community member to achieve a similar function to handle the href for the same element this question will relate too.
I need to have the title tag populate based off the subtitle value of the parent page. However, if no parent is set, I need it to default to the default subhead of the entire site.
We were able to achieve this for the href attribute here: How to set a link based off a post_parent being set - WordPress
The current code is handled this way:
if ($post->post_parent) {
$permatitle = get_post_meta($post->post_parent, '_base_page_subtitle', true);
} else {
$permatitle = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_base_page_subtitle', true);
<a href="<?php echo $permalink; ?>" title="<?php echo $permatitle; ?>">
However, I need it to work on child pages as well. Any help would be appreciated and I'll upvote anyone that can contribute to solving this.
if you are trying to achieve the same thing (refer here) but this time for the title,
you can do this:
or better yet, combine the two:
then you can do this after: