I have a field with values:
I want to separate this into multiple items using subreport. My jrxml source is:
<field name="docIdNoGRN" class="java.lang.String">
<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true">
<reportElement key="textField-53" x="311" y="1" width="88" height="15" uuid="2e040fd0-8fae-46e8-a845-fba421922992"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center">
<font size="10"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA[($F{docIdNoGRN} != null && $F{docIdNoGRN}.toString().length() > 0) ? $F{docIdNoGRN} : " "]]>
The field can have 3 or more items as it depends on the data. Instead of having one item in the report:
Item No. Item ID.
1 CM45024,CM45025,CM45026
I want to show it like this:
Item No. Item ID.
1 CM45024
2 CM45025
3 CM45026
Im using TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio Professional - Visual Designer for JasperReport 6.1.1.
This is how it can be achieved using subreport, assuming that your
contains the String "CM45024,CM45025,CM45026"Generate the data source that will be passed to the subreport
As you can see I
your fieldString
getting anArray
that is converted toList
and then passed in aJRBeanCollectionDataSource
example: (your_subreport.jrxml):
I have added the
to achieve the numbers (1,2,3) .The output will be
Note: You can also use the jr:table component to achieve this if you like to avoid generating a subreport (just define the table datasource as above)