I created a Model using the Jena APIs:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
Resource alice = ResourceFactory.createResource("http://example.org/alice");
Resource bob = ResourceFactory.createResource("http://example.org/bob");
Resource charlie = ResourceFactory.createResource("http://example.org/charlie");
model.add (alice, RDF.type, FOAF.Person);
model.add (alice, FOAF.name, "Alice");
model.add (alice, FOAF.mbox, ResourceFactory.createResource("mailto:alice@example.org"));
model.add (alice, FOAF.knows, bob);
model.add (alice, FOAF.knows, charlie);
model.write(System.out, "RDF/XML-ABBREV");
The output from this program is:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
<j.0:Person rdf:about="example.org/alice">
<j.0:knows rdf:resource="example.org/charlie"/>
<j.0:knows rdf:resource="example.org/bob"/>
<j.0:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:alice@example.org"/>
Now how to get a list of resources linked to a certain resource?
For example: Alice knows Bob and Charlie. Alice, Bob and Charlie are resources, Resource Alice knows the other two resources. Now how to get the names [Bob, Charlie]?
Jena's Java API documentation shows there is a method just for that:
This should work in your example:
You can then iterate over
to do something with each friend (or acquaintance).