My goal is to create a custom DateTimePicker class in .NET 2.0, which shows a custom calendar dropdown instead of the Windows default calendar popup.
By observing Windows messages (see attached code), I am able to find and hide/close the calendar window after creation.
However, a problem remains: After the calendar window is closed, something is still blocking the mouse input. For example, if you try to maximise the owner form of the customised DateTimePicker control after the calendar dropdown has been closed programmatically (attached code), the maximise button does not respond. Only the next click works. Interestingly, the "non-functional click" fires the DTN_CLOSEUP notification, so it appears that the WM_CLOSE did not properly close the calendar.
Any hints on how to accomplish my task are highly appreciated :)
protected override void WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
if (m.Msg == (int)SYSMSG.WM_REFLECT + (int)SYSMSG.WM_NOTIFY)
NMHDR nmhdr = (NMHDR)m.GetLParam(typeof(NMHDR));
switch (nmhdr.code)
// Hide window
IntPtr calHandle = FindWindow("SysMonthCal32", null);
SendMessage(calHandle, (int)SYSMSG.WM_SIZE, 0, SP.Convert.MakeLong(0, 0));
SendMessage(calHandle, (int)SYSMSG.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
base.WndProc(ref m);
Instead of sending a
have you tried sending aDTM_CLOSEMONTHCAL
message instead? You would send this to the HWND of the DateTimePicker itself and not the child window. According to the documentation, the DateTime_CloseMonthCal macro sends this message and it seems like what you want to do.I also don't think you'll need to use BeginInvoke to send it unless there's some problem with closing it in the same dispatch as a drop down notification.
I finally found this fully customisable datePicker (monthCalendar rendering is override-able) : Culture Aware Month Calendar and Datepicker on CodeProject