I am trying to stream my logs through the log4j socket appender and trying to retrieve the same through the logstash log4j input plugin. My logstash configuration looks like
input {
output {
stdout {}
{ path=>"socket.log"}
My log4j.xml looks like below
<appender name="logstashsocketappender" class="org.apache.log4j.net.SocketAppender">
<param name="RemoteHost" value=<logstash ip>/>
<param name="Port" value="1995"/>
<param name="ReconnectionDelay" value="60000"/>
<param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
<level value="INFO"/>
<appender-ref ref="logstashsocketappender"/>
I have a logger.info statement in the code for testing, however I do not see those in stdout in the logstash machine. These are the software versions I am using
logstash - 1.4.2 log4j - 1.7.5
Let me know if I am missing something here.
Thanks for the help Gowri
I'm facing a similar issue using
: Only some of my logged messages arrive at logstash. If I log bunches of 10 messages only 5 to 10 messages arrive at logstash. The longer I post messages (in bunches) the more messages arrive. (after some iterations all 10 messages arrive) - Maybe there is an issue at startup where some messages are lost?Maybe you try to log some messages too, to delimit the problem...
If it would be a misconfiguration, you would get
log4j:ERROR Could not connect to remote log4j server at [localhost]. We will try again later.
at the client side (sender).It it seems to be a performance problem: If I wait 100ms between the messages of a bunch all messages arrive at logstash.
Have you tried to use GELF? The log4j internals use TCP. GELF uses UDP, so it does not slow down your application.
See https://github.com/mp911de/logstash-gelf for more docs.