I'm a new programmer and new in Android. I'm using this example http://www.androidhive.info/2012/09/android-adding-search-functionality-to-listview/ and it works great.
Now I want to make the items (Dell, Samsung Galaxy S3, etc) to call a function to open a new activity with different information each.
For example:
If I touch Dell, a new Activity has to show up showing me information about Dell. If I touch Samsung, the same thing.
I Googled but couldn't find anything helpfull, any hint? I think this is basic, but I'm new so I don't really know where to start
for what kind of Hell implementing Parcelable ?
he is passing to adapter String[] so
to store product list you can use here HashMap (for example as STATIC object)
example class describing product:
then u pass to adapter set of keys as:
when in adapter u return view u set listener like this for example:
then in other activity:
*key_to_product_name is a public static String to serve as key for extra
ps. sorry for typo i was in hurry :) ps2. this shoud give you a idea how to do it ps3. when i will have more time i I'll add a detailed description
In your activity, where you defined your listview
you write
in your adapter's getItem you write