Helo everyone.
int[] ai1=new int[2] { 3514,3515 };
void average1()
List<int> aveList = new List<int> { ai1[0],ai1[1]};
double AveragLI = aveList.Average();
int AverLI = (int)Math.Round((double)AveragLI);
label1.Text = AverLI.ToString();
Returns 3514; should not be 3515?
The default rounding scheme for
is what's known as banker's rounding (which is the standard in financial and statistical areas), where midpoint values are rounded to the nearest even number. It looks like you were expecting midpoint values to be rounded away from zero (which is the kind you were probably taught in grade school: if it ends in 5, round up).If you were just concerned that it wasn't working in an acceptable way, don't worry. If you'd like it to be rounded away from zero, you can do this:
Math.Round is the culprit
Its what we call Banker's Rounding or even rounding.
Info on Math.Round says
The integer nearest a. If the fractional component of a is halfway between two integers, one of which is even and the other odd, then the even number is returned.
3514.5 is rounded to 3514 and 3515.5 will also be rounded to 3514.
Read this
To avoid do this