I am using Cypress cy.get to grab elements, but if there are none, my test is failing. I do not want it to fail. I want it to continue. The test is simply to list the items that are there, if any.
const listItemTitle = '[data-cy-component=list-item-title]';
cy.get(listItemTitle).each(($el, index, $list) => {
cy.wrap($el).then(($span) => {
const spanText = $span.text();
cy.log(`index: ` + index + ' ' + spanText);
I would have thought, if there are no elements there - that this code would still be ok, but not so. When I run it, I get this error: CypressError: Timed out retrying: Expected to find element: '[data-cy-component=list-item-title]', but never found it.
It works fine where elements are present. If no elements are found, I want to go on & do a different test.
Here is an experiment I tried:
let count: number = Cypress.$(listItemTitle).length;
cy.log('before:' + count);
cy.get(singlePickerSearch).type('Assets' + '{enter}');
type: 'Success',
count = Cypress.$(listItemTitle).length;
cy.log('after:' + count);
cy.get(listItemTitle).each(($li, index, $lis) => {
cy.log('interface no. ' + (index + 1) + ' of ' + $lis.length);
This was the outcome:
18 LOG before:0
19 GET [data-cy-component-key="actions-add"] input
21 GET [data-cy-component=single-picker-search] input
22 TYPE Assets{enter}
23 GET [data-cy-component="list-item-checkbox-title"]
26 GET .iziToast toast2
27 ASSERT expected [ <div.iziToast.iziToast-opening.fadeInUp.iziToast-theme-
alloy.iziToast-color-green.iziToast-animateInside>, 1 more... ] to have class iziToast-color-green
28 LOG after:0
29 GET [data-cy-component=list-item-title]
30 LOG interface no. 1 of 1
Conclusively shows that Cypress.$(listItemTitle).length does not count number of elements with selector: listItemTitle.
By putting a cy.wait(1000); after the Add had been executed (in my experiment) - giving the DOM time to update - the new element was found. With more specific selectors, the wait is not required
You can use jquery via
to check if any exist.