I've got my fiddle here, but I can't understand why it's not calling my function on the 'onmouseout' event. http://jsfiddle.net/foreyez/Xf6LW/
any ideas?
I've got my fiddle here, but I can't understand why it's not calling my function on the 'onmouseout' event. http://jsfiddle.net/foreyez/Xf6LW/
any ideas?
make myFunc as a global function;
I searched my code using firebug and got following generated code.
see jsfiddle
Works fine, you just needed to put the function in the head (or body after the element is in the DOM) of the document.
jsFiddle example
It's because the functions you create in the JavaScript panel are not global when you have the onLoad option selected. Your JavaScript gets wrapped in a function.
If you do want them to be global you have to either do what j08961 suggested, by changing that dropdown to say no wrap (body or head) will work
The best solution would be to not set your event handlers from HTML, that's bad practice anyway, then you're not relying on global functions or mixing HTML and JS.
Side note: you should have noticed the error in the console saying that myFunc is undefined or something like it.
I think it's cause for jsfiddle, it declares all the javascript AFTER the HTML. The HTML is going to run and look for a
and not find it. Then it's going to load the JS and it won't even run it.Here you can see the changes : jsfiddle.