So, i have this firebird database, with a " photo " column wich i'm trying to display.
Here is what i've done so far:
- Since ,the content type is unknown ( I'm not the one who created the database, and there is no colomn indicating the type).
- From the first 20 character of the blob data i guess it's a bmp.
Here's a sample code :
Before this : code to connect, run a query to get the table and fetch the result as object ( everything works fine until here)
$blob_data = ibase_blob_info($row->PHOTO);
$blob_hndl = ibase_blob_open($row->PHOTO);
$bl = ibase_blob_get($blob_hndl, $blob_data[0]);
header('Content-type : image/x-xbitmap');
echo "<dt><strong>Technician Image:</strong></dt><dd>" .
'<img src="data:image/x-xbitmap ;base64,'.
'" width="290" height="290">' . "</dd>";
$filename = $bl ? dirname(__FILE__)."/img/product__$NUM.bmp" : dirname(__FILE__)."/img/no_pic.bmp";
if ($bl) fwrite(fopen($filename, 'w'), $bl);
As you can see i've tried to :
- Display the blob data using "ibase_blob_echo"
- Display the blob using img tag
- Save it as a file
First one show raw data of the blob, the second nothing and the third result in a corrupted file.
Concerning the Content-type header i've tried
- image/bmp ,x-portable-bitmap, x-xbitmap , jpg, gif, png
Now i'm out of ideas ...
As a bitmap has 0x42 0x4D at position 0, and then 4 bytes of file size (0x36 0x65 0x01 0x00). In the dump you posted both bytes 5 - 8 (before the BMP header) and bytes 11-14 (filesize after BMP header) are the same, so it look like the blob has (guess work):
You might want to check if skipping the first 8 bytes is enough to get it to work, then I'd check if this is generic across all files (maybe there is more than one file type!)