I'm trying to access an FTP server through an FTP SITE Proxy to bypass a firewall using it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient
I know my username/password is correct because I can connect using FileZilla. I tried using Authenticator
, but it has no use. Code:
import java.net.Authenticator;
import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient;
import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.connectors.FTPProxyConnector;
FTPClient client = new FTPClient();
FTPProxyConnector connector = new FTPProxyConnector(String "proxyHost", int proxyPort);
Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new PasswordAuthentication("proxyUser", "proxyPass".toCharArray());
System.setProperty("ftp.proxyHost", "proxyHost");
System.setProperty("ftp.proxyPort", "proxyPort");
System.setProperty("ftp.proxyUser", "proxyUser");
System.setProperty("ftp.proxyPass", "proxyPass");
System.out.println("Proxy Accessed");
client.login("ftpUser", "ftpPass");
Gives me this error: java.io.IOException: Proxy authentication failed
Things I have tried:
- Using the alternate constructor
(String, int, String, String)
. - Removing
- Using just
, without the FTPProxyConnector - Authenticating before setting the connector, and vice versa.
However, when I am JUST using the Authenticator, I get a different error saying Connection timed out
Both errors occur on line client.connect("ftpHost");
ANY help would be appreciated.
Note: The FTP Proxy Connector
EDIT: I found out that the proxy is used to bypass a Firewall-1 Checkpoint -- if this helps.
Check password property name. It's name is ftp.proxyPassword, and not ftp.proxyPass.
Try it and let us know your results!
Check password property name. It's name is ftp.proxyPassword, and not ftp.proxyPass.
Try it and let us know your results!
I found the solution...
I discovered that the FTP client was responding with a different response code:
200-User <username> authenticated by FireWall-1 authentication
In the source code of
, a response code of anything other than the regular230-Connected to server. Logging in...
will throw an error.
I had to decompile the class file for
and then modify the source code, then recompile and save it back to the jar. Worked like a charm.