So, if I am testing pages in a vacuum without much interaction with the backend, it works great. I am having issues with actually interacting with my UI if it hits any type of service. Basically, nothing is Auth'd. I try programmatically setCookie, no dice. I try to read the cookie, nope. Btw, my whole site requires a login.
cy.setCookie('sess', ';askjdfa;skdjfa;skdjfa;skdjfa;skfjd');<-- does not work
cy.getCookie('sess').should('exist') <-- does not work
I am having an issue on really the best way to "test" this. For example, I have an account section that a user can "update" their personals. I try, fill out the form (via UI testing), but the submission is rejected, no Auth. EVEN THOUGH I just logged in (via UI testing). - I know I need to remove that since it is bad practice to UI-Login for every section of my site.
So, I don't know how to stub graphql calls with cy.request(). Here is my mutation.
mutation Login($email: Email!, $password: String!) {
login(email: $email, password: $password) {
Right now, I am importing the login spec for each section of the site i am testing. I know this is an anti-pattern. Like to solve this problem.
My AUTH (cookie) is not being set. Even when I try to set it, programmatically, doesn't work.
Maybe I should just stub out my graphql mutations? How?
Lastly, IF I am stubbing out my graphql mututations, how do I update the session ( via my main session query ). If I can get these mutations to work, then refreshing the page will get my my updated data, so I'm not completely needing this part.
Any ideas?
I didn't do the stub and all those, as you were asking how the mutation would work with
in my other post. I did it this way and it just basically works. Hopefully this would helpI created a const first though
request config const
mutation query with
hopefully it's not too messy to see.
basically the fields need to be string such as
else it will give you error. Not sure how the graphql works deeply but if I just do${}
I would get an error which I forgot what error it was.