There's a web services I want to call in my application, I can use it with importing the WSDL or by just use "HTTP GET" with the URL and parameters, so I prefer the later because it's simple thing.
I know I can use indy idhttp.get, to do the job, but this is very simple thing and I don't want to add complex indy code to my application.
UPDATE: sorry if I was not clear, I meant by "not to add complex indy code", that I don't want add indy components for just this simple task, and prefer more lighter way for that.
If your application is Windows-only, I would suggest using WinSock. It's simple enough, allows to execute any HTTP request, can work both synchronously and asynchronously (using non-blocking WSASend/WSARecv with callbacks or good old send/recv in a dedicated thread).
Calling a RESTful web service using Indy is pretty straight forward.
Add IdHTTP to your uses clause. Remember that IdHTTP needs the "HTTP://" prefix on your URLs.