Using javascript with or without Jquery, I need to a create a gradient of colours based on a start and finish color. Is this possible to do programmatically?
The end colour is only ever going to be darker shade of the start colour and it's for an unordered list which I have no control over the number of li items. I'm looking for a solution that allows me to pick a start and end color, convert the hex value into RGB so it can be manipulated in code. The starting RGB values gets incremented by a step value calculated based upon the number of items.
so if the list had 8 items then the it needs to increment the seperate Red Green Blue values in 8 steps to achieve the final colour. Is there a better way to do it and if so where can I find some sample code?
I needed to create a large enough array of color options for an unknown set of dynamic elements, but I needed each element to increment their way through a beginning color and an ending color. This sort of follows the "percent fade" approach except I had a difficult time following that logic. This is how I approached it using inputs of two rgb color values and calculating the number of elements on the page.
Here is a link to a codepen that demonstrates the concept.
Below is a code snippet of the problem.
Yes, absolutely.
I do this in Java, should be fairly simple to do in JavaScript too.
First, you'll need to break the colors up into RGB components.
Then calculate the differences between start and finish of the components.
Finally, calculate percentage difference and multiply by the start color of each component, then add it to the start color.
Assuming you can get the RGB values, this should do it:
The "percentFade" is a floating decimal, signifying how far to fade into the "endColor". 1 would be a full fade (thus creating the end color). 0 would be no fade (the starting color).
Correct function to generate array of colors!
desau's answer is great. Here it is in javascript:
You can retrieve the list of elements. I'm not familiar with jQuery, but prototypejs has Element.childElements() which will return an array. Once you know the length of the array, you can determine how much to change the pixel components for each step. Some of the following code I haven't tested out in the form I'm presenting it in, but it should hopefully give you an idea.
I use this function based on @desau answer: