Hi guys i tried the full day, but i did not get it.
I use the tinymce editor and in all browsers it works fine, except in ** chrome. I use the autoresize in readonly mode and i always have the problem that in chrome the editor iframe is ~20px to small, so that often text is missing.
I am not the jquery or javascript crack and did not find a solution for it.
There is a row where it is setting the style h.setStyle(h.get(a.id + "_ifr"), "height", k + "px");
but when i would add +20 i have the problem that in editor mode it always adds 20 px when keydown. So not a solution.
Add some pixeld by css? But how do i access the iframe element? Maybe someone of you have an idea what i can do here to add there extra pixels.
Ok seems no one has interest to help so i do it with a workaround. In the plugin file i do the following, maybe it helps people, having the same problem:
if (tinymce.isWebKit && tinymce.activeEditor.settings.readonly == true) {
Then you can add some extra pixels, in my case 20px. Maybe there are much better solutions, but it works.
I had a similiar problem with Chrome, tinyMCE 3.5.6 and the autoresize plugin. What helped was manually calling the resize plugin in the
. I'm calling tinyMCE (jQuery version) like this now when the window is loaded: