I am confused with how kafka-reassignment-paritions works for __consumer_offsets topic?
I start with 1 zk and 1 kafka broker, create a test topic with replication=1, partition=1. consume and produce. works fine.
I see __consumer_offsets topic created.
Now I add a second broker with, offsets.topic.replication.factor=2. I run the,
kafka-reassign-partitions --zookeeper zookeeper1:2181 --topics-to-move-json-file topics-to-move.json --broker-list "101,102" --generate
The generated reassignment does not look right. Only shows one replica even though there are 2 live brokers.
I was hoping to get following replicas for each partition: [101, 102] or [201, 101]
"version": 1,
"partitions": [
"topic": "__consumer_offsets",
"partition": 19,
"replicas": [101]
"topic": "__consumer_offsets",
"partition": 30,
"replicas": [102]
"topic": "__consumer_offsets",
"partition": 47,
"replicas": [101]
}, ...
Appreciate any suggestion.
If you want to increase the replication factor for a topic, follow steps below:
Create a json file containing the reassignment plan. In your case, the file might look like:
Run command below to increase RF for this internal topic:
Then run
kafka-topics.sh --describe
to see if replication factor is bumped up to 2.