I am using the function parSapply from the R package parallel. My call to this function is something like:
cl <- makeCluster(3, type="PSOCK",outfile="output.txt")
parSapply(cl,as.list(1:m), FUN=function(mtmp){
for (ii in 1:10){
The parallelized function prints a message to follow the process. This is very useful to estimate the time required by the function. With this code, the printed message for each node are stocken in a txt file (output.txt), but there are melted since all nodes generate messages in a same time. Therefore, to have printed messages that are readable in my txt file, I would like to follow the process for only one node. I was thinking that for mtmp in {1,4,7,10} the iterations was performed on a same node. So, I tried to add the condition:
but, the messages are again melted, which indicates that calls for mtmp in {1,4,7,10} are not performed on a same node.
Therefore, my question is: how can I save in my txt file all the printed messages of one node and only of this one ? In addition, I would like this node is the one which handles the larger number of calls to my parallelized function.
Thank you very much for your help,
Divert the output of each process to a separate file: