When inside a class you have a private fiels and expose that field on a public property, which one should I use from inside the class?
Below you is an example on what I am trying to find out. Should manioulate the Private Field _Counter or the Property Counter?
Public Class Test
Private _Counter As Integer
Public Property Counter() As Integer
Return _Counter
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_Counter = value
End Set
End Property
Private Sub Dosomething()
'What is the best practice?
'Direct access to private field or property?
_Counter += 1
Me.Counter += 1
'On Get
End Sub
End Class
Thanks in advance for the help. Edu
Depending on the situation, it may be preferable to allow the direct modification of a field on a class only privately, and or through some method which associates semantics with the modification. This way it becomes easier to reason about this class and that particular value, since you can be certain that its modified only in a certain way. Moreover, at some point, an action such as incrementing and int may have additional required consequences at which point it makes more sense to expose access to it through methods.
I always use the property accessors, because the I am safe in case I add logic in the getter or setter in the future, knowing for sure that no code bypasses it.
If you are worried about the performance overhead of calling property accessors when they just go directly to the field, don't. Most compilers will inline this sort of thing, giving you effectively the same performance. At least, you're pretty unlikely to need the extra nanoseconds of time you might gain by going directly to the field.
It's better to stick with property accessors because a) you can be very consistent in all of your code which makes it more maintainble and b) you get the benefits pointed out by others here.
Also, I don't usually add the
) keywords, unless there's a scope problem (which I try to avoid by choosing my identifiers carefully). I don't get confused by this because my functions and subs are never so long that I'm not sure whether I am working with a local (stack-based) variable or a member of the class. When they get too long to tell easily, I refactor.In my opinion, using a public accessor internally is over-encapsulation: it blurs the code. With such an approach, otherwise simple operations invoke accessors that may contain more complex logic, so it's harder to analyze the code of the operations.
In my programming experience, I've rarely had a situation when it would help much. Instead, I prefer to access fields directly, and only if it's really needed, to abstract the access by creating a private accessor, which can be used by both the public accessor and other functions. The rationale is that if you need to attach some special logic in the public accessor, chances are that the logic may not be the same for internal access.
Note also that most modern IDEs (like Eclipse) allow to see immediately all references to a private field, and to refactor the code to use a function instead of a direct access.
Original poster is EXACTLY correct.
1) Access your private fields directly.
2) If accessing accessors use the keyword ME. to improve readability
3) Use the accessor only if it implements vital logic logic that also applies to private access. This way you know that if you are using the accessor it is because there is “something else to it”
4) Avoid using Protected Fields. Derived classes should always use the accessor, never direct access to the field.
I prefer to use the property whenever possible. This gives you the flexibility in the future to modify what the property returns/sets without having to go through and find all the locations that were using the private variable.