Here is some Python code which I wrote to generate a random poker hand, just for the heck of it/for the challenge, but when I try to run it, I get the error above on the line "if card in hand". What's going on, and why is this happening, especially since that line is not iterating?
import random
def pokerHand():
hand = ["This is your hand:"]
x = 0
while x < 5:
cardNum = random.randrange(13) + 1
if cardNum == 1:
cardNum = "Ace of "
elif cardNum == 11:
cardNum = "Jack of "
elif cardNum == 13:
cardNum = "King of "
elif cardNum == 12:
cardNum = "Queen of "
cardNum = str(cardNum) + " of "
cardSuit = random.randrange(4)
if cardSuit == 0:
cardSuit = "Clubs"
elif cardSuit == 1:
cardSuit = "Diamonds"
elif cardSuit == 3:
cardSuit = "Hearts"
elif cardSuit == 2:
cardSuit = "Spades"
card = cardNum + cardSuit
if card in hand: #<the line of error
hand = hand.append(card)
x = x + 1
for xx in hand:
print xx
hand = hand.append(card)
does not return anything. Change it to:hand.append(card)
list.append does not return the list with the value appended, but rather appends the value to the list in-place and returns None. Do this instead:
hand.append(card) ...
method of a list does not return the list, it modifies it in place. thus, after you add the first card (withhand = hand.append(card)
), hand is set to the return value ofappend()
, which isNone
(the return value of methods without an explicitreturn
). You should change it to just behand.append(card)