The following entities exist, Farm, Barn and Animals. A Farm can have many Barns and a Barn many Animals.
When displaying a Farm in a TWIG template the number of Animals should be shown as well.
What is the best way to do this?
I have create a TWIG extension which allows me to easily show the number of barns.
public function totalFieldFilter($data, $getField='getTotal') {
$total = count($data->$getField());
return $total;
In my template I would use {{ farm|totalField('getBarns') }}, I could easily extend this to write another custom function like so:
public function totalFieldFilter($farm) {
$total = 0;
foreach($farm->getBarns() AS $barn) {
$total += count($barn->getAniamls());
return $total;
Although this would work, is there a better way and can it be made more generic? What if I wanted to count Legs on Animals? Or how many Doors a Barn has, I would have to write a custom TWIG extension each time.
Use Entity accessors :
You are looking for the length filter
When used with an array, length will give you the number of items. So, if your array is farm.barns, you can just use
{{ farm.barns|length }}