There is a weird issue with Ruby 1.9.2's new hash syntax. How can I put any Object as key in hash in 1.9.2?
in 1.8.7 hash it works:
{"a" => "some",a => "another value",:a => "3rd value"}
But in 1.9.2 > We can't (or how can we if I'm wrong?")
1.9.2 hash:
{a: "some"} => {:a=>"s"} #it convert to old hash format
{a: "..."} # This doesn't work
{"a": "some value"} => syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting $end
from /home/naveed/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
{1: "s"} =>
SyntaxError: (irb):11: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting tASSOC {1: "s"}
To say this another way, the new feature isn't a new general hash syntax, it's a specific tweak for writing hashes where the keys are symbol literals.
{a: 1}
is just a shortcut for{:a => 1}
, and that's all. If you have anything else as keys, you have to use the regular syntax.In Ruby 1.9 you are allowed to put colon
only after symbols that are used as keys!Any object can use the arrow
, even symbols.