We are using Google App Engine Custom Runtime to run our Node.js Serverside code for our mobile application.
HTTP Request logging is working fine, but we are having problems with our custom logs.
We are using winston and log4js as logging frameworks to log our application specific loggings to a log file.
Running the server locally everything works fine, but the log File cannot be found on the GAE.
We did not find a lot about Node.js Logging in the GAE, is there any special configuration needed for App Engine?
Is it possible to access customs logs without, connecting to server?
I would suggest to use papertrail for logging from google cloud. You can use it with winston-papertrail npm module.
Here is configuration to make it work.
Create account on https://papertrailapp.com and you will get host and port to create winston transport.
Create winston transport for papertrail using winston-papertrail module.
Attach the transport to express server for request logging
you can also use
winstonPapertrail.log('info', 'Any info you want to send to papertrail logs');
for custom logging.see https://github.com/kenperkins/winston-papertrail for more details.
You probably have solved this already, but just in case someone else needs it.
As described at Cloud Logging Doc in https://cloud.google.com/appengine/articles/logging
You have to output the log file to the folder /var/log/app_engine/
It worked for me only when the output file was named /var/log/app_engine/app.log. I didn't work when I tried with .json extension, I believe it's a bug since the Cloud Logging service is still in Beta.