I want to send a email through gmail server. I have put the following code but it is getting stuck while sending. Any idea please....
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
mail.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("apps@xxxx.com");
//create instance of smtpclient
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
smtp.Port = 465;
smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
smtp.Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
smtp.EnableSsl = true;
//recipient address
mail.To.Add(new MailAddress("yyyy@xxxx.com"));
//Formatted mail body
mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
string st = "Test";
mail.Body = st;
The xxxx.com is a mail domain in Google apps. Thanks...
Use Port number 587
With the following code, it will work successfully.
But, there is a problem with using gmail. The email will be sent successfully, but the recipient inbox will have the gmail address in the 'from address' instead of the 'from address' mentioned in the code.
To solve this, please follow the steps mentioned at the following link.
before following all the above steps, you need to authenticate your gmail account to allow access to your application and also the devices. Please check all the steps for account authentication at the following link:
I realise this is an answer to a very old question, with lots of other good answers. I am posting this code to include some of the useful comments posted by other users such as Using Statements and newer methods where some answers have obsolete methods. This code was tested and working as of 11 July 2018.
If sending via your GMail Account ensure that Allow less secure apps is enabled from your control panel
Class Code C#:
Class Code VB:
Usage C#:
Usage VB:
This have worked for me:
BUT (as of the time of this writing - Oct 2017)
You need to ENABLE "Allow less secure apps" inside the option "apps with account access" at the "My account" google security/privacy settings (https://myaccount.google.com)
I tried the above C# code to send mail from Gmail to my Corporate ID. While executing the application the control stopped indefinitely at the statement
While Googling, I came across a similar code, that worked for me. I am posting that code here.