1) I can't add set loop imacros by javascript, How can i add it ?
var macro;
macro = "CODE:";
macro += "VERSION BUILD=8011895" + "\n";
macro += "TAB T=1" + "\n";
macro += "SET !ERRORIGNORE YES" + "\n";
macro += "SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO" + "\n";
macro += "SET !TIMEOUT 3" + "\n";
macro += "SET !EXTRACT NULL" + "\n";
//macro += "SET !LOOP 1" + "\n";
macro += "TAG POS={{loop}} TYPE=A ATTR=CLASS:twitter-timeline-link EXTRACT=TXT" + "\n";
macro += "SAVEAS TYPE=EXTRACT FOLDER=* FILE=twitter.csv" + "\n";
var extractedtext=iimGetLastExtract();
2) How can i use that code on imacros without javascript ? ( on iim)
var extractedtext=iimGetLastExtract();
Specify your imacros code as a javscript string and prefix with CODE:
I understand how to make imacros for firefox loop using javascript, but the question is how does the variable carry over into the called macro here:
the first time let's say you want to click on link pos=1
then 2nd time on link pos=2
if your called iim script is:
how will the script know how to look at position 2 (POS=2) the next time and POS=3 the subsquent time?
is it correct to type the following?
1) to loop javascript code you can add
statement like this:where n is number of loops to perform
2) in iim you do not need it as
parameter already has extracted valueYou have to write macro like this
Since you example was kind of unclear I have to say that this command might not work.
Instead of word link replace it with * which means any character and then it can work
Also in the macro you can write like this
But in the iimSet part it has be like this.