I'm using angular-chart (based on chart.js) to create some bar charts and am having trouble getting the bar styling I want. I want the bars to be solid colors like this:
But I can't figure out how to get rid of the alpha that chart.js adds by default:
My html looks like this:
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController as ctrl">
<canvas id="outreach" class="chart chart-bar"
And the javascript:
angular.module('myApp', ['chart.js'])
.controller('myController', [function() {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.socialChart = {
options: {
legend: {
display: true
labels: ['2012'],
// colors: ['rgba(237, 64, 42, 1)', 'rgba(240, 171, 5, 1)', 'rgba(160, 180, 33, 1)', 'rgba(0, 163, 159, 1)'],
colors: ['#ED402A', '#F0AB05', '#A0B421', '#00A39F'],
data: [[1178], [652], [1004], [838]]
Here's a Plunker demonstrating it: Plunker
I've found lots of information about using rgba notation (which for some reason gives me the wrong colors altogether) and fillColor (which I can't get working at all). It's hard to tell what info is for version 1 or 2 of chart.js.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am using chart.js version 2 with angular wrapper, Doing the following edits helped me.
Changes - color takes argument in the form of rgba(R,G,B,alpha)
alpha = 1 : solid color, alpha = 0 : Transparent color
<canvas id="bar" class="chart chart-bar" chart-data="barData" chart-labels="filter" chart-series="barLabels" chart-options="baroptions" chart-colors="setColors" > </canvas>
In my Controller class, i defined setColors as follows :
In controller.js :
$scope.setColors = [{backgroundColor:'rgba(249,166,92,1)',pointBackgroundColor:'rgba(249,166,92,1),pointHoverBackgroundColor:'rgba(249,166,92,1)',borderColor:'rgba(249,166,92,1)',pointBorderColor:'rgba(249,166,92,1)',pointHoverBorderColor:'rgba(249,166,92,1)'}, {backgroundColor:'rgba(90,155,211,1)',pointBackgroundColor:'rgba(90,155,211,1)',pointHoverBackgroundColor:'rgba(90,155,211,1)',borderColor:'rgba(90,155,211,1)',pointBorderColor:'rgba(90,155,211,1)',pointHoverBorderColor:'rgba(90,155,211,1)'}, {backgroundColor:'rgba(120,194,107,1)',pointBackgroundColor:'rgba(120,194,107,1)',pointHoverBackgroundColor:'rgba(120,194,107,1)',borderColor:'rgba(120,194,107,1)',pointBorderColor:'rgba(120,194,107,1)',pointHoverBorderColor:'rgba(120,194,107,1)'}]
Just use RGBA where A is Opacity and set it to 1 which defines the solid color. Ex:
backgroundColor: [ 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)']
Here are the codes that I have made to make a bar chart with custom settings. Use this attribute chart-dataset-override="datasetOverride" in the canvas html tag:
You can use