I'm using the Youtube AS3 Player API to load video's in a Flash Project. I get this really annoying Error when loading the Player swf:
SecurityError: Error #2047: Security sandbox violation: parent: http://www.degoudenglimlach.be/main.swf cannot access http://www.youtube.com/[[IMPORT]]/s.ytimg.com/yt/swf/watch_as3-vflbgr4dW.swf.
I tried adding the following to my code before loading the swf but it doesn't make any difference:
Any Help would be great.
Here's my full Wrapper class:
package be.zap.media
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.system.Security;
import flash.system.System;
* ...
* @author Yens Resmann
public class ZapYoutubeVideo extends Sprite
private var ytPlayer : Object;
private var ldr : Loader
private static const YOUTUBE_EMBEDDED_PLAYER_URL : String = "http://www.youtube.com/v/VIDEO_ID?version=3";
public static const PLAYER_READY : String = "playerReady";
public static const QUALITY_SMALL : String = "small";
public static const QUALITY_MEDIUM : String = "medium";
public static const QUALITY_LARGE : String = "large";
public static const QUALITY_HD720 : String = "hd720";
public static const QUALITY_HD1080 : String = "hd1080";
public static const QUALITY_HIGHRES : String = "highres";
public static const QUALITY_DEFAULT : String = "default";
public function ZapYoutubeVideo()
ldr = new Loader();
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, handleInitPlayer);
addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, handleRemovedFromStage);
public function initPlayer(vidId : String)
var url : String = YOUTUBE_EMBEDDED_PLAYER_URL.split("VIDEO_ID").join(vidId);
ldr.load(new URLRequest(url));
private function handleInitPlayer(e:Event):void
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, handleInitPlayer);
ldr.content.addEventListener("onReady", handlePlayerReady);
ldr.content.addEventListener("onError", handlePlayerError);
ldr.content.addEventListener("onStateChange", handlePlayerStageChange);
ldr.content.addEventListener("onPlaybackQualityChange", handlePlayerQualityChange);
private function handlePlayerReady(e:Event):void
ytPlayer = ldr.content;
dispatchEvent(new Event(PLAYER_READY));
public function queueVideoById(videoID : String, quality : String = QUALITY_DEFAULT):void
ytPlayer.cueVideoById(videoID, 0, quality);
public function loadVideoById(videoID : String, quality : String = QUALITY_DEFAULT):void
ytPlayer.loadVideoById(videoID, 0, quality);
public function queueVideoByUrl(url : String, quality : String = QUALITY_DEFAULT):void
ytPlayer.cueVideoByUrl(url, 0, quality);
public function loadVideoByUrl(url : String, quality : String = QUALITY_DEFAULT):void
ytPlayer.loadVideoByUrl(url, 0, quality);
public function setSize(w:int, h:int):void
ytPlayer.setSize(w, h);
private function handlePlayerError(e:Event):void
private function handlePlayerStageChange(e:Event):void
private function handlePlayerQualityChange(e:Event):void
private function handleRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, handleRemovedFromStage);
public function dispose():void
if (ldr) {
if (contains(ldr)) {
ldr = null;
* parse out the Youtube Video ID from the video URL
* @param url
* @return String
public static function getIdFromURL(url:String):String
var parts : Array = [];
if (url.indexOf("watch?v=") != -1) {
parts = url.split("watch?v=");
} else if (url.indexOf("watch/v/") != -1) {
parts = url.split("watch/v/");
} else if (url.indexOf("youtu.be/") != -1) {
parts = url.split("youtu.be/");
return String(parts[1]).split("/").join("");
* get the thumbnail of the video
* @param String youtube Video ID
* @return URLRequest
public static function getThumbnail(videoId : String):URLRequest
return new URLRequest("http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + videoId + "/0.jpg");
I don't think it's possible , look at the error messages and you should see that they mainly have to deal with the fact that YouTube hasn't updated their crossdomain policy file and doesn't specify a meta policy. here's their policy file:
They need to add a line like this:
I got same issue and spend a lot of time trying to fix without hiding the error. So i made a very crazy move. According to my error, further trace stack looks like that:
So what I noticed, that youtube player API is checking if tab childrens are enabled, so I just removed it adding in container MC , where player is placed:
and guess what - no more error! And also I needed to add to stage player after setting tabChildren to false and when player is ready.
I am using this function
I am using SWFLoader instead of Loader.