As we all know numbers can be written either in numerics, or called by their names. While there are a lot of examples to be found that convert 123 into one hundred twenty three, I could not find good examples of how to convert it the other way around.
Some of the caveats:
- cardinal/nominal or ordinal: "one" and "first"
- common spelling mistakes: "forty"/"fourty"
- hundreds/thousands: 2100 -> "twenty one hundred" and also "two thousand and one hundred"
- separators: "eleven hundred fifty two", but also "elevenhundred fiftytwo" or "eleven-hundred fifty-two" and whatnot
- colloquialisms: "thirty-something"
- fractions: 'one third', 'two fifths'
- common names: 'a dozen', 'half'
And there are probably more caveats possible that are not yet listed. Suppose the algorithm needs to be very robust, and even understand spelling mistakes.
What fields/papers/studies/algorithms should I read to learn how to write all this? Where is the information?
PS: My final parser should actually understand 3 different languages, English, Russian and Hebrew. And maybe at a later stage more languages will be added. Hebrew also has male/female numbers, like "one man" and "one woman" have a different "one" — "ehad" and "ahat". Russian also has some of its own complexities.
Google does a great job at this. For example:
(the reverse is also possible
I was playing around with a PEG parser to do what you wanted (and may post that as a separate answer later) when I noticed that there's a very simple algorithm that does a remarkably good job with common forms of numbers in English, Spanish, and German, at the very least.
Working with English for example, you need a dictionary that maps words to values in the obvious way:
...and so forth
The algorithm is just:
For example, this progresses as follows:
And so on. I'm not saying it's perfect, but for a quick and dirty it does quite well.
Addressing your specific list on edit:
Number 6 is the only one I don't have a ready answer for, and that's because of the ambiguity between ordinals and fractions (in English at least) added to the fact that my last cup of coffee was many hours ago.
Use the Python pattern-en library:
It's not an easy issue, and I know of no library to do it. I might sit down and try to write something like this sometime. I'd do it in either Prolog, Java or Haskell, though. As far as I can see, there are several issues:
If you are interested in this, I could give it a shot this weekend. My idea is probably using UIMA and tokenizing with it, then going on to further tokenize/disambiguate and finally translate. There might be more issues, let's see if I can come up with some more interesting things.
Sorry, this is not a real answer yet, just an extension to your question. I'll let you know if I find/write something.
By the way, if you are interested in the semantics of numerals, I just found an interesting paper by Friederike Moltmann, discussing some issues regarding the logic interpretation of numerals.
Well, I was too late on the answer for this question, but I was working a little test scenario that seems to have worked very well for me. I used a (simple, but ugly, and large) regular expression to locate all the words for me. The expression is as follows:
Shown here with line breaks for formatting purposes..
Anyways, my method was to execute this RegEx with a library like PCRE, and then read back the named matches. And it worked on all of the different examples listed in this question, minus the "One Half", types, as I didn't add them in, but as you can see, it wouldn't be hard to do so. This addresses a lot of issues. For example, it addresses the following items in the original question and other answers:
Now, rather than store this monster of a regular expression in your source, I was considering building this RegEx at runtime, using something like the following:
The easy part here is we are only storing the words that matter. In the case of SIXTH, you'll notice that there isn't an entry for it, because it's just it's normal number with TH tacked on... But ones like TWELVE need different attention.
Ok, so now we have the code to build our (ugly) RegEx, now we just execute it on our number strings.
One thing I would recommend, is to filter, or eat the word "AND". It's not necessary, and only leads to other issues.
So, what you are going to want to do is setup a function that passes the named matches for "Magnitude" into a function that looks at all the possible magnitude values, and multiplies your current result by that value of magnitude. Then, you create a function that looks at the "Value" named matches, and returns an int (or whatever you are using), based on the value discovered there.
All VALUE matches are ADDED to your result, while magnitutde matches multiply the result by the mag value. So, Two Hundred Fifty Thousand becomes "2", then "2 * 100", then "200 + 50", then "250 * 1000", ending up with 250000...
Just for fun, I wrote a vbScript version of this and it worked great with all the examples provided. Now, it doesn't support named matches, so I had to work a little harder getting the correct result, but I got it. Bottom line is, if it's a "VALUE" match, add it your accumulator. If it's a magnitude match, multiply your accumulator by 100, 1000, 1000000, 1000000000, etc... This will provide you with some pretty amazing results, and all you have to do to adjust for things like "one half" is add them to your RegEx, put in a code marker for them, and handle them.
Well, I hope this post helps SOMEONE out there. If anyone want, I can post by vbScript pseudo code that I used to test this with, however, it's not pretty code, and NOT production code.
If I may.. What is the final language this will be written in? C++, or something like a scripted language? Greg Hewgill's source will go a long way in helping understand how all of this comes together.
Let me know if I can be of any other help. Sorry, I only know English/American, so I can't help you with the other languages.
Open an HTTP Request to "" + number + "+in+decimal".
Parse the result for your number.
Cache the number / result pairs to lesson the requests over time.
I was converting ordinal edition statements from early modern books (e.g. "2nd edition", "Editio quarta") to integers and needed support for ordinals 1-100 in English and ordinals 1-10 in a few Romance languages. Here's what I came up with in Python: