I am using my Rails app as an API backend. So I have a single page angular app which will make multiple api calls and start displaying as each data gets returned. I don't want to wait for all the results from the API call and then load the data, so I started learning deferred and promise.
I have an angular service called api where I will have $http calls to all my api. I have hardcoded the data that returns from each one of the api calls for testing purposes.
debugger.factory "api", ["$resource", "$q", ($resource, $q) ->
apiCall1 = [
key1: "v1"
key2: "v2"
key3: "v3"
apiCall2 =
apiCall7 =
factory = getIsDynamicApp: ->
deferred = $q.defer()
deferred.resolve apiCall1
I have created an edge service to call methods from my api service. I have used $timeout to simulate the async api calls.
debugger.factory "EdgeService", ($resource, api, $q, $timeout, $http) ->
fetchIsDynamic = ->
tickets: ->
deferred = $q.defer()
fetchIsDynamic().then (data) ->
$timeout (->
deferred.resolve data
console.log data #<- this works, I can see the data
), 3000
In my EdgeController I call the service and attach the value to $scope.data
debugger.controller "EdgeController", ($scope, EdgeService) ->
$scope.load = ->
$scope.data = EdgeService.tickets()
debugger.$inject = ["$scope"]
This is my slim template
doctype html
html(ng-app="debugger" class="ng-scope")
title Ads Debugger
= stylesheet_link_tag "application/debugger"
= javascript_include_tag "debugger"
form class="serch_form"
input type="text" name="search_box" id="search_box"
input type="submit" value="Search" ng-click="load()"
pre message {{data}}
The output is not getting binded'
Also is this the best way to implement if I have to make multiple api calls and update the view as each one returns?
Should be
AngularJS does not automatically unwrap promises in newer versions. This would work in older versions of Angular.
To do multiple API calls dependant of one another you can do
Yo can do multiple in parallell using $q.all