|a b |
a := ZnClient new.
a get: 'http://cloud-storage.com/login'.
formAt: 'username' put: 'jom';
formAt: 'password' put: 'mypass';
get: 'http://cloud-storage.com/my-file'.
"Here I want to refresh the session for every 60sec and"
"to checking for newer data"
b := a maxNumberOfRedirects:60
Transcript show: b; cr.
I would like to implement a method that can refresh the ZnClient session every 60s for checking for newer data on the server I am logged into. I tried the redirect method of pharo but it does not seem to work. or say It does not show anything. Any idea?
NB. Despite above example code you may want to consider trying
method in ZnClient.