I'm trying to write a function that takes as input a list of coefficients (a0, a1, a2, a3.....a n) of a polynomial p(x) and the value x. The function will return p(x), which is the value of the polynomial when evaluated at x.
A polynomial of degree n with coefficient a0, a1, a2, a3........an is the function
p(x)= a0+a1*x+a2*x^2+a3*x^3+.....+an*x^n
So I'm not sure how to attack the problem. I'm thinking that I will need a range but how can I make it so that it can handle any numerical input for x? I'm not expecting you guys to give the answer, I'm just in need of a little kick start. Do I need a for loop, while loop or could recursive be an option here?
def poly(lst, x)
I need to iterate over the items in the list, do I use the indices for that, but how can I make it iterate over an unknown number of items?
I'm thinking I can use recursion here:
def poly(lst, x):
n = len(lst)
If n==4:
return lst[o]+lst[1]*x+lst[2]*x**2+lst[3]*x**3
elif n==3:
return lst[o]+lst[1]*x+lst[2]*x**2
elif n==2:
return lst[o]+lst[1]*x
elif n==1:
return lst[o]
return lst[o]+lst[1]*x+lst[2]*x**2+lst[3]*x**3+lst[n]*x**n
This works for n<=4 but I get a index error: list index out of range for n>4, can't see why though.
Either with recursion, or without, the essence of the solution is to create a loop on "n", because the polynomial starts at x^0 and goes up to a_n.x^n and that's the variable you should also consider as an input. Besides that, use a trick called multiply and accumulate to be able to calculate partial results on each loop iteration.
Alternatively, you can use a list and then use
:Without enumerate:
Alternative to non-enumerate method:
Also @DSM stated, you can put this together in a single line:
Or, using
:Recursive solution:
enumerate(iterable, start)
is a generator expression (so it usesyield
instead ofreturn
that yields a number and then an element of the iterable. The number is equivalent to the index of the element + start.From the Python docs, it is also the same as:
simple recursion:
The most efficient way is to evaluate the polynomial backwards using Horner's Rule. Very easy to do in Python: