I have a FIFO which has an interface that looks something like this:
entity fifo is
port (
CLK : IN std_logic := '0';
DIN : IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
ALMOST_EMPTY : OUT std_logic;
ALMOST_FULL : OUT std_logic;
DOUT : OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
WR_ACK : OUT std_logic
end fifo;
This interface is given and I can't change is. The thing is now, for debugging purposes, I wanna see what is written and read to/from the FIFO. In other words, ideally I would like to assign two debug the in and out values of the FIFO, ie.
For obvious reasons, the second assignment gives me the following error message:
[exec] ERROR:HDLParsers:1401 - Object DOUT of mode OUT can not be read.
So I am wondering if there is any way how I can assing the DOUT value to my debug symbol. The interface is given, so I cant make DOUT an inout signal.
Many thanks for helpful comments!
You have to assign the fifo output to a local signal you can read, then assign that signal to the output (or assign them both in parallel):
You have good answers already for older tools - but if you use some tool which supports VHDL-2008, you are allowed to read output ports directly. You may need to enable this with a command line option.
If your tools don't support it, whinge at the supplier until they do!
Use BUFFER instead of out. Then you can read without the intermediate signal used in Charles' solution.