I'm trying to build my project, but when I do, I get this error: "error: package com.google.firebase.messaging does not exist", along with other 4 errors of the same kind.
package md5f64326b4609986d97810cf2ced03c9ce;
public class MyFirebaseMessagingService
extends com.google.firebase.messaging.FirebaseMessagingService
/** @hide */
public static final String __md_methods;
static {
__md_methods =
"n_onMessageReceived(Lcom/google/firebase/messaging/RemoteMessage;)V:GetOnMessageReceived_Lcom_google_firebase_messaging_RemoteMessage_Handler\n" +
mono.android.Runtime.register ("FCMClient.MyFirebaseMessagingService, LimBands.Droid, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", MyFirebaseMessagingService.class, __md_methods);
public MyFirebaseMessagingService ()
super ();
if (getClass () == MyFirebaseMessagingService.class)
mono.android.TypeManager.Activate ("FCMClient.MyFirebaseMessagingService, LimBands.Droid, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "", this, new java.lang.Object[] { });
public void onMessageReceived (com.google.firebase.messaging.RemoteMessage p0)
n_onMessageReceived (p0);
private native void n_onMessageReceived (com.google.firebase.messaging.RemoteMessage p0);
private java.util.ArrayList refList;
public void monodroidAddReference (java.lang.Object obj)
if (refList == null)
refList = new java.util.ArrayList ();
refList.add (obj);
public void monodroidClearReferences ()
if (refList != null)
refList.clear ();
This is my whole file, it is on the obj folder. I already tried deleting the bin/obj folders, manually deleting and reinstalling all nuget packages, changing nuget package versions (downgrading and upgrading), but nothing seems to work.
I even compared some files with another solution that works the same way, and I found no differences.
The problem you are facing right now is a common problem to which a proper solution has not been provided by Xamarin so there is this workaround I made up the last time I faced this problem.
If you are using both Google maps and Firebase Cloud Messaging the following are the steps you need to take:
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.Firebase.lid
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.Firebase.Messaging
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.GCM
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.lid
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Maps
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Tasks
- 42.1021.1Xamarin.Build.Download
- 0.4.2In case the problem still persists kindly comment so I can follow up.