Rhino: How to access Java interface variables in Javascript implementation?
I expose a java interface for some other party to let them provide an implementation for the same in javascript.
public interface APIInterface{
public static APIUtils util = new APIUtils();
public ArrayList getAllObjects(Object aTransaction);
Javascript implementation:
/** Core Interface Method **/
new Object() {
getAllObjects: function(tran) {
tran.set(..); //OK
tran.set(..); //OK
util.callSomeFunction(); //Fails here..Rhino doesn't understand util..
I want the javascript implementation of the interface to understand the interface variable util
without having to pass it as an additional argument to the function or by adding it to the ScriptEngine
. Is this technically possible?
For the interface...
...static member¹
can be accessed two ways.1) Via the type:
2) Via reflection:
Tested on Rhino 1.7R4.
¹All variables are implicitly
public static final
on interfaces.